Our grant websites and program services are made possible through the generous support of the sponsors you see advertising on our sites. The manufacturers underwrite many of the fees associated with our program including the cost of running the website, consulting services, customized research, and application assistance. This allows us to assist public safety agencies directly at little to no cost.
Our websites are free to register and available to all public safety agencies. The websites provide great information in the form of grant listings by state, articles, grant information, relevant products that are grant eligible, etc.
For public safety agencies interested in our Grant Assistance Program we offer customized research, grant consulting, and application feedback at no cost to you. You can access the Grant Assistance Program categories here: https://www.CorrectionsOneGrants.com/grant-assistance/
Grant Writing services are also available as a stand-alone service or through our assistance program as an upgraded discounted service.
Because the actual writing and assembly of a grant application can be time consuming, we do charge a fee for this upgraded service. However, discounted services are available throughout the year and financial hardship is also taken into consideration when pricing out this service. Note: we do not take a % of the grant and we do not work on contingency basis.
Never! We will congratulate you on your award and ability to purchase the equipment your department and community needs. We ONLY collect fees for contracted services.
Public safety funding comes from two primary sources, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice. Although additional funding for various elements of public safety may come from other agencies, these two provide the bulk of funding to corrections departments across the country.
Any agency engaged in public safety can apply for a grant. The important first step is to identify the best program to apply under. Several elements will determine whether a particular program is a good fit for your project, including:
Once you’ve decided upon a program that fits with your project objectives, you’ll need to prepare an application to the program. Be sure to follow all the application requirements provided by the agency, since a failure to do so may result in your proposal being returned without review.
The federal government provides information on funding at www.usaspending.gov .
Although there is no statutory decision timeframe for most grants (an exception would be the Homeland Security Grants Program), agencies generally announce awards 4-6 months after the application deadline.
After you receive an award notification, but before you can begin spending money, you will need to enter into a contract with the funder that defines the payment and deliverables schedule for the grant period (based largely on your application). Once the contract has been executed by both parties, you can begin to spend money, subject to the terms of the contract.
The Canadian government does make grants for public safety through several initiatives. More information on Canadian public safety grants is available from the Department of Justice at http://www.canada.justice.gc.ca/eng/fund-fina/cj-jp/index.htm and Public Safety Canada at http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cntrng-crm/crm-prvntn/fndng-prgrms/index-eng.aspx.
Reviewers’ comments provide a valuable insight into the strengths and weaknesses of your proposal, as determined by individuals using the actual scoring criteria for the program. If you have any inkling of applying again in the future, it’s worth requesting the reviewers’ comments on your proposal.
Generally you can obtain these comments by simply calling the program officer listed on the application guidance.
Although you can divide the previous year’s number of awards by the number of applications (if those numbers are publicly available) to get a funding percentage, you can generally determine how competitive a grant will be just by looking at how much total funding is available. Programs with less than $10 million available nationwide will be more competitive than one with $500 million to give away.
In addition to the information on CorrectionsOneGrants.com, the federal government provides grants information through the Federal Electronic Grants Clearinghouse at www.grants.gov.
Each program is assigned a program manager, identified in the application guidance, who can answer most questions about the mechanics of a particular program. If you have a particular grant identified and still have questions, feel free to contact the CorrectionsOne Grants team at 866-463-7792 and customersupport@lexipol.com.
There is no requirement in any grant program that you have to hire a professional grantwriter in order to obtain funding. When considering whether to hire a professional grantwriter to provide assistance in applying for a grant, consider:
Reputable grantwriters will require an up front fee for writing a grant proposal. Be wary of any writers who try to take a percentage of your award as payment. Note CorrectionsOne Grants does provide professional grant writing services.
Administration requirements vary by program, but most include the following activities:
Manufacturers of public safety equipment continue to sponsor our Grant Assistance Program as long as departments use our complimentary services.
You can help us keep these services available to you and the public safety community, at no cost, simply by communicating with us! Notify us of your successes, challenges, interests and opinions from using our website and services either by email or phone!
Have more questions? Contact us!
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