Ky. treatment center receives grant to expand inmate re-entry program with jail

With the program, inmates have the possibility of finishing their jail sentence at the treatment center

By Bobbie Curd
The Advocate-Messenger

DANVILLE, Ky. — Shepherd’s House was the focus of a huge announcement this week: it was chosen to receive a grant worth $433,000 from the United States Department of Justice. And those who worked on the grant, and are passionate about helping others work through the disease of addiction, say it couldn’t have come at a better time, for multiple reasons.

Wofford says it’s all a part of the new county re-entry program, which the jail hasn’t opened yet due to getting through the COVID pandemic, “but we’re going to start it soon.” He must first figure out their exact numbers because the dedicated space they need is now being used for quarantine areas.

County Attorney Herron says, “Say we sentence you to 90 days, you’re going to start off your first 30 at the jail, and if you’re successful we’re going to let you out on bond to come here (Shepherd’s House) and finish up …” the 10-week program.

Full story: Shepherd’s House only in state to receive grant aimed at expanding inmate re-entry program with Boyle jail

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